With Gratitude

“Heartwood is the narrative’s original germinating seed.” It “is the elusive secret we keep from ourselves.” Betsy Warland (2010). Breathing the Page: Reading the Act of Writing

I am appreciative for the guidance of the people listed below who served as chaperones on my inner trek towards the heartwood of my poetry and prose.

Michael, Emma, and all the members of Forage Poetry Forum (https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/foragepoetry/) for their comprehensive, in-depth critiques provided in a welcoming workshop environment.

Rachel Thompson (https://rachelthompson.co/courses/) who demystified the steps from first draft to publication in courses such as:

  • Lit Mag Love: Get Smart, Fearless, and Publish
  • Revision Love: Self-Editing for Creative Writers
  • Writers Website Love

This website and my many publications are proof that she is an excellent guide.

Nicole Breit (https://www.nicolebreit.com/) who introduced me to creative nonfiction and taught me how to “Spark my Story.”

Chelene Knight (https://cheleneknight.com/ecourses) with her #Learn Writing Essentials Write.Polish.Publish and Advanced Poetry workshops that opened my imagination to the possibility of preparing a manuscript.

Carlie Blume, Karen Massey, Laila Malik, Mary Corkery and Susan Wismer, my co-conspirators in the Advanced Poetry Workshop. All wonderful poets that helped me see my words on the page with fresh eyes.

Shirley Harshenin, who is my most frequent first reader. She points out areas of confusion or where my narrative slips to what Betsy Warland would call coma stories, stories lacking complexity, filled with stereotypes and clichés. Shirley is also my greatest supporter.

My colleagues from the Humber School for Writers: Workshop in Creative Writing, July 2019.

Adebe DeRango-Adem (assistance), Emily, Olive Senior (instructor) Anne Marie, Stacy, Allison and Jasbina (not in photo)

Jim Grose, my partner, proof-reader and cheerleader.